

unknownj150 James Fleck | 18 ans

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Tank Support
  • D.Va
  • Mercy
  • Moira
  • Zenyatta
  • Sigma


Player Player


My ambitions are too finally get a chance to compete competitively and shine in the overwatch pro community, to get to know my fellow teammates and strive for victory. If i'm accepted i really want to help the team and try my 100% best in getting the team into the limelight. As well as striving victory, i also like to help my fellow teammates and also want to hear feedback on how we can improve and to work towards really being one of the best teams out there.

Experiences online

  • I played Overwatch ps4 for 3 years
  • Have been playing since Season 3 so have seen and played the game in many different forms.

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


Hi there I am James Fleck other wise known in game as Unknown, i'm 15 and from the United Kingdom and i am looking for a career in professional overwatch, on ps4 my average rank is around high silver low gold but my highest rank ever was 2482 sr so 1 game off plat, i'm currently on ps4 but will be switching to xbox in december so if i could be accepted then as soon as i switched to xbox on the 25th of december that would be amazing. But the reason i am applying for this role is i really want a chance to show people my talent in overwatch and really shine in the world of overwatch. I've played the game since season 3 so 3 years so i have plenty of experience within the game. As well as experience in the game i'm equally obssessed outside about the game as i am when playing it. My Main role is Support but i can flex into tank. Even though i am not on xbox but will be very soon i hope you consider me and hopefully accept me onto your team, thanks for your time :).


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Ce joueur n'est plus disponible pour être recruté

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