Player Unknown Battlegrounds


Chris Weaver | 24 ans

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The Goals and Ambitions first off is to slowly migrate from Xbox and Console playing to maybe blending between PC and Console. Long term goal is to hopefully play competively for a few years and become a streamer.

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My name is Chris Weaver. I am from Louisville Kentucky. I am young and 18 years old. Personally I enjoy FPS, but occasionally love taking a break to play some RPG’s. Recently I have been playing PUBG on Xbox One under the name ChemtruZion. I am Low to Middle averaged player and everyday I am playing by myself or with friends to get better. Recently I been watching E-Sports at Anaheim and I am slowly falling in love with being competitve. When I play with friends I am always trying to be better then them or a least good enough to help carry as a team. I been playing solo trying to practice and hone my skills. I do play other FPS and practice to get better such as Battlefield and Even COD. I don’t mind playing other FPS Shooters and being on a team with those. I even will Play Smite from time to time.


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