Rainbow six siege


Roberto | 24 ans

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My ambitions are to find a team in which we can all grow together and successfully be able to excel at what we do and what we play with the goal of one day becoming high preforming players and be able to play in bigger leagues, but never forgetting the key factor into becoming a successful competitive video game player.

Experiences online

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Experiences offline

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My name is Roberto Castillo, in game I am known as Abyss, I currently play Rainbow Six Siege most of the time, but I do branch out to other games such as CSGO, Apex Legends, Call of Duty with the occasional game of League of Legends. I am a competitive person who always strives to do better in all aspects in and out of gaming sessions with the constant drive to better my skills in communication, game mechanics and situational awareness. I strive to win and do all that I can for the team by helping out with little mistakes that can impact how the others play later on, but I also accept any coach-able moments for myself since in the end the main goal is to either win and gain more experience or lose, but also being able to examine as to why the lose came to be and improve upon that for later matches.


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