Rainbow six siege

Anarchy_Elaine (lost) Elle.ANA (new)

Elaine | 24 ans

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I would just love to experience good team work, I’m a quick learner and I’m very determined.
Also I want to push myself and get better at the game.

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Hello! I am Elle. I’m 21 years old and I play games for about 15 years.
I started playing Rainbow Six Siege two years ago and I must say I enjoy the game a lot. I play on PC and I am from middle Europe.

I’m very tired of playing alone. I feel like I’m not making any progress, I’m not feeling very comfortable playing with random people that can harass me very easily and I just wish I had people I could get better with not as an individual but as a team player as well.

Ever since I started plying the game I’ve been studying maps and some angles, I often look at esports and try and look at some strategies and tactics. I believe this game is definitely not about kills but about the great teamwork and cooperation.

My rank always was around Gold III - Gold I. I’ve never went higher but lower because of the lack of the communication in game.
My main operators are Mozzie and Valk on defense, but I can play whatever is needed, Sledge and IQ on attack but yet again, I can play whatever is needed or whatever can benefit our team.

I hope I made an impression and that you will contact me soon!
Wish you great day!


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