Rainbow six siege


Christian Escobar | 21 ans

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Become better as a player
Help make a professional e Sports Team
Make online friends
Become bigger as a streamer
Have fun doing something I love

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My name is Christian but online I mostly go by "Bambo". Ive had a lot of experience with a variety of games such as Fortnite, Black Ops, R6, and **** some other games (not particularly e sport games) (Skyrim, Destiny, Assassins Creed). I've tried streaming and was fairly successful for a certain amount of time, but my channel has died down to the lack of activity. Im looking for a gaming team that has a nice community, and I am willing to help set up social pages and discords for the team I am accepted in. I am looking to mainly play in Rainbow Six Siege and would be interested in joining that particular team. I am also willing in playing for any other team that is needed as well.
Thank you, and I hope you take interest In my gaming qualities.


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