Rainbow six siege


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I mostly want to be able to still be able to play video games but represent something bigger than myself. Another is that I would like to be able to make something out of nothing, what I mean by that is that I want to be able to do something big with a hobby I started many years ago. I would also want to be able to play with a team that wants the win as bad as I do and willing to work for it too.

Experiences online

  • I been playing many different kinds of games for many years. I’ve played many kinds of games from Minecraft to the very first Call of Duty

Experiences offline

  • For many years when I have played I never had played online. This is because I never had WiFi, I have had WiFi for the last 2 or 3 years now and in that short amount of time I have learned a lot.


Hello I’m Bloodbath521 or you can call me Tanner, I mostly play Rainbow six siege and I’m pretty good at the game I’m getting better everyday. My biggest flaw is most likely I make stupid mistakes and I can get easily distracted at other things in the game or out. It may be my surroundings and such though so I think it would be better in a quite place. I love playing the game but my home WIFI isn’t so good I could run anywhere from 35 to up to a couple hundred ping, therefore I only play at night. I may only be 15 but I’m mostly mature when I need to be and I know when to be quite and focus. I live in the middle of nowhere around Somerset, Pennsylvania.


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