Rainbow six siege


Oscar | 30 ans

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To gain experience in comp & find a team we can excel and progress well in comps.

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I am new to comp, but an experienced siege player, have played along side a lot of comp players and very familiar with the play style, strats and callouts.

I've been told by many to LFT so here I am, I am a very calm & controlled player, I do not rage and can engage with very clear and accurate callouts. I'm a native English speaker, who will speak up, I'm not shy. I take criticism very well, fully appreciate any comments to me improving as a player, whilst I'm considered overly positive, I get my head down and focus on the task at hand.

Rank is 3600, its all over the place, really depends who I'm playing with (do have some very close friends that are lower skill level)

I'm a streamer / content creator on Twitch/YouTube (fresh & growing)

I'm a stella ace player (hard support) as well as being a great gunner/clutch artist, but have played many roles in scrims/Go4 - all for fun till now.

I have a very high availability for scrims/games, very active with social media and respond quickly to messages/requests


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