Rainbow six siege


Daniel | 32 ans

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No ambitions except having fun and actually win games once in a while as a team. I am available to play most evenings most days as long as I know some hours/ a day in advance.

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Hello. I'm a siege player in my late 20s that have played the game since January 2016. I did stop playing for about 2 years and recently got back into it with void edge. I see myself as a medium skilled player and I'm usually ranked high gold, low plat while solo queueing. As of now I'm unranked and I'd like to find a competent team that knows what they're doing and at the same time have fun while in the game. I'm not looking for a serious team but more of a casual experience.

I like to play the objective and try to utilise the operator best suited for the situation. I do however have a few favourite ops, mainly Smoke, Mute and Lesion on defence and Thatcher, Fuze and Termite on attack. I do also recognizer the need for other operators in certain situations so I'm also competent when it comes to Rook, Hiabana and Mira for example.

I'm not too familiar with the most recent operators but I know how they work.


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