Rainbow six siege


x | 28 ans

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Enragedphantom0#44759 icon
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I wish to play at the highest level of play within any game I play. I am looking for being recognized for the level of play that I belong at.

Experiences online

  • Team STAT for Valorant. Officially signed.
  • Go4R6 Xbox winner

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


I have played Rainbow Six Siege from the very beginning on Xbox. I always played with my (very low-skilled) friends and maintained a platinum rank with around a 1.5KD. (controller) Then, when I had saved up enough for a PC, I decided to try my hardest for a season. I placed diamond with a 4.6KD. Currently, I am in the same situation on PC. I am playing with my friends, and am without a stack to climb above plat 2. I am looking for a team as I know that I have what it takes to play at a higher level. I believe that I can compete with those that are highly esteemed for their skill.
(I do not clip things as "clips" are very common for me. I do not have a youtube channel or a twitch stream. If using these to tryout, watch me live. It would be a better way to understand how I play on average.)

PC stats: r6.tracker.network/profile/pc/Enragedphantom0
Xbox stats: r6.tracker.network/profile/xbox/EnragedPHANTOM0 (I have several accounts, this is my main)


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