Rainbow six siege


Don | 24 ans

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Player Player
Strat caller Strat caller
Squad Squad
Community Manager Community Manager
LAN Player LAN Player
Other Other


My ambitions? I'd have to say being able to do what I love for a living and being able to say I was part of that team, I helped get them there. I love being part of a team and learning new thing and making it to the top of ranked or pro is a dream.

Experiences online

  • CS legendary eagle
  • R6 plat 3 (pc)
  • R6 plat 2 (ps)
  • Overwatch GM

Experiences offline

  • LAN CS (school team)
  • LAN CoD (school team)


Hello, my name is Don or Donnie, I'm 18 and been playing fps games like cs and overwatch and ran though ranks I've always been a very adaptive person when it comes to sports, from esports to the mat or **** sports I have always been one to do 100% during practice and 120% during a real match and keep everyone's spirits high. I've been playing R6 from just before season 3 and have gotten to plat 2 solo on ps and pc. I main lion or buck, but can play hard breach or support well on attack, Def I love going smoke or maestro, learning new spots to put the evil eye makes using him more and more fun, can play roam or anchor no real preference. I think I can make a great addition to any team, between my attitude and play style. I hope you check me out. Thank you, Don.


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