Rainbow six siege


Ryan Garces | 18 ans

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I have played against players that have played in comp for a long time and killed them with ease. I’m a fragger and I only play fragger opps if you want me to play support I will but you have to ask me. I play sight almost every game I don’t roam a lot and I can hold sight down. My gun skill is very good and my game sense is good also I just need a team that can give me good coms. I also need a team that at least one player plays support every round on defense or else I will most likely die. On attack I don’t need support I just need someone to get the sight wall I can hold my own on attack and defense. I’m a great fit for a team that need somebody that can play any roll but still can pop off. I’m pretty consistent with my performances but sometimes I do bad when I do bad I will try to assist the team the best that I can.


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