Rainbow six siege


Brandan Hughes | 28 ans

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Player Player
Strat caller Strat caller
Squad Squad
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Manager Manager


Make enough $$$ to retire my father & provide for those I love around me. I want to hoist the world championship trophy & smile at everyone that ever doubted I would get it done.

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I’ve played Rainbow Six Seige since it’s launch. I’ve seen every iteration of this game & evolved with it to become the best player I have yet been only within the last year. I’ve been what the community refers to affectionately as “a hard stuck gold” until I made changes to my game. I started communicating more with my team, figured out high % rushing lanes of attackers for defense & meshing different defensive concepts together. I’ve actively been platinum rank for a year. I have 1000’s of hours of Seige under my belt & even as I’ve gotten older I’ve only improved more every year on. I have the sharpest game sense you could ask for & you will never find someone more clutch in bad situations than me. I have more 1v5 clutches than any streamer I’ve seen outside of Beaulo or Shaiko. I have fought Champion rank players & embarrassed them every time. I have any clip you could ask for to prove it all. I just need the chance to prove it. I play way above my skill level, I just need people with good heads on their shoulders around me to finally make the skill leap.


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