Rainbow six siege


Parker Virostko | 42 ans

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I want to be able to win many Go4s and other events until I am of age to play competitively and I want to make it to CL (Challenger League) and even get to Pro League. Also Im Actually 14 not 37.

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Hi my name is Parker Virostko and IM ACTUALLY 14 not 37 and I'm looking for an Esports to help me pursue my dream into going into Rainbow Six Siege Esports. I'm really looking forward to getting into this kind of stuff. I am a support/flex player looking to get better with having the advancements of playing for an Esports team. I can really play whatever operator you need me to. Im not a very loud person, I make calls when I need to and i'm quiet when I don't need to be talking or I don't have any calls. I'm not the teammate to get mad at another teammate for messing up because in reality we all mess up and we just gotta learn and move forward. If you do pick me up as a player I will work my butt off to impress you and make sure it's known I want to be there and help your Org grow. Thank you for taking the time to look at my resume and I hope you pick me because I will not disappoint.


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