Rainbow six siege


Adam Brown | 18 ans

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Squad Squad


I want to help the team get better and get more known. I also want to find new people to play with.

Experiences online

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I like to play Rainbow Six Siege as no two games are the same. I like to play competitively as it makes me feel good. I play Rainbow most days of the week for hours at a time. I feel like getting into e-sports as I spend a long time playing games and I think it will be fun. I am a nice person and I am a bit shy but I'll start talking to people after getting to know them a bit.
As I said, I am a competitive player for both PC and Xbox. I will listen to any advice that your team has for me to get better. I am looking to play competitively for a long period of time.
I hope to get into an e-sports team because I want to find new people to play Rainbow with. I wish to bring new talent to the team and to help out when needed.

If you look up my PC account on a r6 tracker it wont show much, this is because I have recently transferred from Xbox to PC. If you look up the same name on Xbox you should find my account.


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