Rainbow six siege


Tyrone | 21 ans

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Experiences online

  • Pas encore d'experiences

Experiences offline

  • Watching other content creators and implementing their strategies into my gameplay.


Hello potential team. I’m Ty and im looking forward to joining your team. For a little background information; I’m 18, born and raised in New York City and I enjoy playing siege. The first time I bought siege was around the time Operation Para Bellum was released. And let me tell you, I would stay up for hours just trying to grind for new operators to test and trying to get better at the game. I am looking for a team that is willing to coach and inspire me, not bring me down because of one simple mistake or bad call. I am very open to criticism but I draw the line at disrespect. I’m not afraid to speak my mind and will often challenge authority if they’re in the wrong so beware if you find that to be an issue. In case this may be important I am currently a bronze 3 with a 1.0 W/L and a 1.2 K/D. My go to operators on attack and defense are Ash/Thermite and Jäger/Mute. That will be all I have to say. And again, looking forward to joining your team.


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Ce joueur n'est plus disponible pour être recruté

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