Rainbow six siege


Union Union | 124 ans

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I want to be able to be part of a team that I believe will win something at some point in its establishment and I think that is this team. I want to be able to play esport full time and win with my teammates.

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I am new to Rainbow Six Sieger on PC but I believe that I have above average aim and game sense. I believe that I can help the team in any way that is needed whether it is in-game or not. This is my first season on PC and I got placed Gold 3 and then I lowered myself to see what the other ranks were like, after dropping to the bronze one I am now in silver 4 and have not played ranked recently. I am going to take the rest of the season to increase my skills to be able to get a higher rank next season. I have all of the operators so I can be anyone the team needs me to be and I think that I train hard enough to be on a team like yours.


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