Rocket League

Bnjmn 25.12.820

Benjamin | 21 ans

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Become the highest rank possible in Rocket League, be able to become a really good player who is up for any challenge that comes my way, constantly grind to the point where I have made it to the top of the mountian.

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Hello, my name is Ben, Iv'e been playing Rocket League ever since 2015, I started on ps4 and moved to PC mid way throught 2018, ever since I moved on to PC, Ive had thoughts on joining a Rocket league team, from making this remuse, my ranks are D3 in every normal ranked mode, my goal is to make it it champ, I do believe I can make it to champ 1 very very soon, and I am hoping that a Rocket League team who is looking for players will pick me up and give me the chance to prove myself worthy.


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