Rocket League


Austin Stoner | 28 ans

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I get a little over ambitious sometimes when trying to score lol. I like to pass the ball a lot as I said before my defense I feel is mediocre I've got good rotation as far as getting back its just struggling to stay in front of the ball. I'm a decent shooter when I wanna be. I'm really hoping someone will take a chance on me and help me go from being eh maybe he's good today or maybe he's not to more consistent

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So I'm not the best. Still learning a lot as I go. My defense is mediocre at best, my passing is pretty good as far as centering the ball, my scoring is a hit and a miss. I'm not looking to waste anyone's time just looking for a good club that'll help me grow and progress. I play between the hours of 4pm and 11pm sometimes a little later. My Arial game isn't the best but its getting better. Again just looking for options and clubs that'll help me grow and progress im in platinum in 2v2. Seems to be my strong suit I can 3v3 its just a bit weaker. Anyway hope somebody out there is willing to take a chance im a quick learner


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