Rocket League


Dominic | 21 ans

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My main goal is to play pro at some point and make it into RLCS, But before that I am working to make it to a LAN of any sorts.
My side/other goals include:
Getting to mid-high GC 2 by the end of this year
Winning a cash tournament and/or just a tournament outside of the in-game ones
Playing against and working with people better than me to learn as much as possible to play better

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The names Nick, I'm 20 and looking for a team to practice consistently with and be around people who have the mindset to get better and push to that higher level. I want to one day go pro.
I am able to be on almost everyday
S4 SSL tournament winner (with previous team), peak GC2 in 2's and 3's
Took a break seasons 5 and 6, started back end of season 6 grinding like crazy.
I am always open to criticism and improving in places when needed.
I am very willing to work with others to improve and try to be the best possible whether scrimming, playing ranked, or even just casual.

Thank you for any interest you have in me!


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