Rocket League

Joe Schmoe

Joe Schmoe | 123 ans

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To become one of the best players in the world according to my grand chevrolet master plan which is go to college then start getting noticed make some money buy new joycon because mine drift and the rubber covering sometimes comes off

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How should I start this? My name is Joe Schmoe But you can call me stefan my level is 87 I didnt know what to put that as I got inspired to play harder and better after somebody named Joey G came to our school for career day and told us he was a e sports player and asked for my rank so I said silver 3 and that I watched people like sunlesskhan and lethamyr play because of something my dad told that if I wanted to get better to watch people do it to get better I'll list my stats
57% WR
320 Wins
98 Mvps
1210 Goals
146 Assists
109 saves
42 Epic Saves
1752 Shots on goals
2186 Centered balls
1337 first touches
I mainly do 2v2s to get better at teamwork with others and I just need somewhere to start my instagram is joeschmoe124 And my phone number is 5712879079 if you want to reach out Adios And stay safe.


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