Rocket League


brendan | 23 ans

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Player Player
Movie maker Movie maker
Editor Editor


Compete competitively
Create content

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Hello! I am a Canadian RL player looking to play for a team and eventually compete in RLCS. I have been playing since 2016 and currently sit at D2-D3 and was in C1 for the majority of Season 14. I also create content and edit videos for the Youtube channel Prophetics, I have a few clips on there with my teammate of a long time. I am willing to play for teams that match my skill level and will be able to help me improve as a player.
My strengths:
Game sense,
I have been playing for a long time now and have spent a lot of my time researching rotation and general game styles and have taught myself how to adapt even mid match to ensure the win.
Quick Learning,
I've been able to teach myself a large majority of the mechanics and game styles that make up the competitive scene and am not afraid to spend a lot of time in training to make sure I can perform to the best of my abilities.

I think that at this point the only thing holding me back is not having a coach, not being exposed to players above my rank and the lack of a proper solid team to work with a communicate with, rather than playing solo queue.


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