Rocket League

Nexus Cyclone

Theo Witham | N/A ans

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I want to be the best at what I love to do and succeed in other org’s like K corp

Experiences online

  • I competed in a tournament w Chris but we didn’t win sadly. It was 2 goals on us and 3 on the opponents

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


Hi, my name is Theo Witham A.K.A “Cyclone” and I’m a 13 yr old who enjoys playing Rocket League. I play it with my mate Christian A.K.A “Smallest_Bigfoot”, We’re both in rank Gold but I’m in division 3 and he’s in 4 but technically we’re at the same level. I also enjoy playing football with school friends. I don’t play for a team so I just train myself at home. Football isn’t the only sport I do though, I do karate which is what I’ve been doing for 5 years, almost 6. In RL I’m mostly that setup person so my duo/trio can finish off the goal. The best I’ve done is where I setup a double tap for Chris to finish off in the middle area of the pitch


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