Rocket League

s k i d .

Kieran Memering | 20 ans

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- Getting more consistent daily
- Willing to make changes in my game style to improve
- To be well-rounded
- Succeeding.

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I started playing Rocket League in early 2020, and ever since I've loved the game. There is always something to get better at, no matter how good you are. Starting this game was fun, I immediately went into ranked and within a few months I was already addicted. Through the next few years I grinded this game, gaining around 1500 hours between PC & Console (before I switched to PC fully). I became addicted to Freestyling around 3 months in, binging every video and training pack I could find. Pausing the ranked grind at around D2-D3 a year and a half ago, I fully switched to grinding aerial/ground mechanics. I'd say I put around 700-800 hours of my RL time into learning them.

My mechanics definitely weren't/aren't perfect, as my consistency with them is variable. One of the problems I've noticed about my mechanics is that I never put too much time into perfecting one of them. I learned a large variety of the mechanics in the game, so I have a decent understanding of how to do a good amount of them. The perks of not mastering a singular mechanic of the game and instead learning a variety and practicing each of them turned me into an all-around player. I wouldn't call myself the best at anything nor close to it, but I am very able to make huge plays; in the ground or air, with my team or solo.

Rank: Champ 2 in 2s, Champ 1 in 1s ----Grinding to C2-C3 in 1s before going for GC in 2s.


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