Rocket League


Alan Solis | 24 ans

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I love to win! I love being a winner but I also thrive to win as a team! I push to be able to have a good team who I know I can count on! I’m passionate about this game.
I’m very competitive but I’m not toxic to my teammates.

Experiences online

  • Rocket league

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  • Pas encore d'experiences


Hey! My name is Alan. I’m 22 and I’ve been playing rocket league for about 2 years. Im currently in champ 2 and I’m thriving to continue growing on this game. I solo que a lot on this game so this would be an amazing opportunity for me to build and learn as a team. I am a big team player who isn’t greedy with the ball. I’m not very talented when it comes to mechanics but I have been practicing a lot, I just have very good sense of the game, map, etc… but besides the point, rocket league is honestly one of my biggest passions and it would be amazing to be able to grow and prosper on playing the game I love and enjoy. Thank you for any future opportunities.❤️


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