Rocket League


Stephon Green | 24 ans

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I am looking to rise to ssl with my team and compete against other esports organizations while taking pride of what team I am on and giving my all to make it a attainable goal .Would also love to meet more highly skillled players on the way as well. Looking to stream rocket league family friendly and mature.Looking to get more information on streaming and preferred routes .Looking to have fun while competing at the highest level possible of my ability.

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Hi my name is Stephon and I have been grinding Rocket League since last year July .No real prior experience .I wasn’t able to get my hands on the ps5 until a week ago, so I used to game on an old Mac laptop with controller.I started from nothing and had no teammates to rely on to grinding out the basics in freeplay and custom trainings. While I had my pc I’d grind lethamyr’s rings map for early car control.During my first few months I grinded into plat which held me for about six months .Frustrated and tired of dealing with the division, I put my head down once more and grinned training until I was more sound on defense, shooting , shadow defending , boost management , Ariel’s and so much more .I found my passion through a prior friend who played all the time and my goal was to be better than him while taking less time to get accustomed to the game. Thankfully all that grinding has paid off and last season I hit my peak of diamond 1 .The new season started and I got my ps5 shortly after.I’m not sure what happened but the day after I finished placements. I got into diamond 1 once more.Looking to see how far I could peak and now I’m at diamond 3 div 2 and way past my friend with almost just a year of playing.I love high energy gaming and grinding into the higher leagues in rocket league . I have more set my sites on wanting to find a esports team so that I may get into content creating, streaming , and having fun with a roster full of men or women I could go head to head with or side by side to improve one another.I play everyday and honestly just looking for a chance.


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