Rocket League


Tim | 25 ans

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I would love to reach the RLCS one day. Currently grinding to get better and looking for a team at the same time.
Really competitve but i am pretty chill about losing.

Experiences online

  • Rocketleague SpringSeries Qualifiers

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


Name: Timmu
Age: 21
Country: Netherlands

I started playing Rocketleague in 2018 (got the game since 2015). Since season 11 i have been grandchampion and have been improving ever since. Currently i am looking for a team to train with and get better with. I hope I can join a team with players that are just a little better than I am at this moment.

My peak mmr wise is 1857 and my top placement is 295 on the global 3v3 ranking. I do have some experience with qualifiers etc. But never played at a lan or a main event. (hope that will change)

My playstyle:

I do have a playstyle that not everyone can play around. So that is something important to know. I usually play the ''midfield'' role but i also like to attack and playing defence is not bothering me as well. As long as the rotations are clean. I am willing to improve and i would like to receive solid feedback that actually helps me improve. I am someone who loves to play around a team but i also love to try solo plays. If i see an opening i will pass and I am open for team tactics to outplay our opponents.

If you think i fit in your team let me know!


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