Rocket League

Vincent Van Gurt

Nick | 25 ans

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Player Player
Strat caller Strat caller
Manager Manager
Other Other


Progress to SSL, then pro competition
Develop friendships
Assist in building and bringing a community together
Make squishy look like a bronze
Have a good time

Experiences online

  • Raid/battleground leader back in the WoW days. In charge of controlling where 10-40 were at all times

Experiences offline

  • Team leader courses
  • Soccer player for 18 years at semi pro level


Hey guys! My name is Nick, I’ve been playing rocket league for just about 2 years and am currently in diamond. I’ve solo qued for most of my play time and am looking for a club so I can progress into champ and so on. I am more mechanically focused since I’ve played mainly alone. I’m looking to find a club with mature members, and a leader looking for players with potential to develop. I as well produce music and am willing to do work within that for my club if needed. I can easily make intros for people, copyright free soundtracks/music, etc. I am also starting to stream and create content more frequently. Lastly, I am a business student and can assist with managerial duties, or monetization if needed. Overall I’m a very laid back dude, just looking for some people to play with, improve with, and maybe one day go pro.


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