Rogue Company

J Swilla Vevo

Jake Claxton | 23 ans

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I’m getting a gaming PC around February and I’m going to start streaming. But as far as ambitions for a pro team goes, I just want to be able to play with a good team competitively. Help others as well as myself on content creation and building a fan base. I love connecting with people.

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I’m 20 years old and I have been gaming since I was 3. Growing up I always played video games with friends and family. I always noticed that I was a alright gamer that never stood out, but with Rogue Company that’s different. I’m constantly finding myself being the man that wins games. I wish that there was a way I could communicate with randoms to let them know what to do. I just know that if I was given the chance I could exceed standards. I want to be the best rogue company player in the world. The thing that sets me apart from many others though is that I know I can’t be the best without the best team. That is why I’m applying to become a pro player.


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