
kyle da bomb

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Player Player
Strat caller Strat caller
Coach Coach


Learn. More than anything I enjoy learning and improving my play. Of course I have my dreams of grandeur but as it stands I just want to become a better players than I was previously.

Experiences online

  • I coached for a collegiate esports team for Overwatch in 2018

Experiences offline

  • I used to play a lot of Magic the Gathering and would compete in cash events from time to time.


Competitive gaming has always been a calling of mine and I’ve sought it out with every game I’ve played. I’m a huge gaming “thinker” and rely on good positioning, commmunication, and decision making over raw mechanics. This being said I’m usually found in roles that set up for other players or peel for them being as these roles are less mechanically demanding. I’m a fast learner and I catch on to concepts integrate them into my own unique play styles. I prefer playing things slightly off meta to disorient my opponents.


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