

Blais Montgomery | 29 ans

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To play with a team that we can all get better at playing competitively together and improve at the game as individuals but more importantly as a team.

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Hi, I'm RubbaBanMan, I've played smite off and on since beta but recently over the past few months have begun wanting to play with a competitive team of like minded individuals and also increasing the amount I play to around 4-8 hours a day for the past 6 months or so. I mainly play mid jungle or ADC dependent on the situation and whats needed of me by my team. I don't have much ranked experience only community tournaments and playing in 2-5 man parties with people I've met online. I work very well with others and am willing to listen and learn and to also teach if I have knowledge I can give to others. I am familiar with comm's and do call out a lot when I have them available. I prefer to use discord for comm's as it's sound quality is much nicer to me but again I'm a team player so whatever is the decided upon comms to use will be the ones i use. Look forward to seeing any/all of you on the battlefield.


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