

Kalob Simenson | 27 ans

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My present ambitions are in the following order:

-Join a Amateur, Semi-Pro Team, or Pro Team

-Raise my own, and my teammates skill levels

-if an Amateur or Semi-Pro team, I would then raise our skill high enough to break into the pro league.

-Be the best in the world.

Experiences online

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Experiences offline

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To provide a roadmap to those reading I will first be discussing my experience with Smite, then my experience with competitions, and finally a bit of information about myself.

I am seeking recruitment by an amateur or semi-pro team for Smite. Im not motivated by fame, but money. I want to be able to do something I find tolerable while also making money to support my future wife. As it stands I’ve spent roughly six hours a day polishing my individual skills and have branched out this last year to begin polishing my team skills. I’ve reached the ceiling of what I can do without a dedicated team or teammates and want to now move to the next level. I’m highly skilled when it comes to Solo lane and moderately skilled when it comes to support and Mid. I have focused primarily on Solo and Support in my time of playing conquest, but have recently branched out to other roles to understand them better and how they impact team play. I believe communication is the biggest factor for team sports. When you have a team that’s cohesive and communicates, they will win far more often then a team of higher individual skill but doesn’t communicate; that’s why it’s a team sport. I don’t want to join a group that is playing this for fun. I want a group that’s going to put in the same kind of effort and energy that I do into the game.

As for my experiences with competing... I have had a lot of experience competing in physical, and academic sports throughout my years; Varsity Football in high school, started our, and was captain of, my speech and debate team in high school. Upon graduating I did help two of my roommates train for their respective ESports. One plays competitively in Smash 4 in a minor circuit. The other also plays in a minor circuit for Tekken. I understand the energy one needs to put in for ESports and competitions in general. I’m a big believer that you shouldn’t treat competition like a hobby. It’s a job and you come to do business; You put in the energy to polish your skills in your spare time, and do work with your team during office hours. I have consistently put 6 hours a day into polishing my skills. Even if I join a team and play with them I’ll continue to polish my own skills in my spare time to be the best.

At present I’m 24 years young and working on returning to school. I work nights so I can try to join a team that works during the day. I live with my Future wife and our Dogter, Aloy (named for the protagonist of Horizon Zero Dawn). I want to support both of them and our growing family. I’ll do anything to make that succeed.


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