

Sukai | 24 ans

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To one day become a Twitch Partner, as well as be on either a Semi-Pro or Pro team for a game (hopefully Smite though in all honesty).

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Hi there! I am on SeekTeam in hopes of finding a comp. team to play with! I began playing Smite a few years back; I deeply apologize for not remembering the exact year hahahah...but regardless of that, I have around 3,000 hours on Steam and it is my most-played game of all time! When I initially began, my go-to role was Carry, although I quickly transitioned over to being a full-time (or at least mostly) Support main. I do recognize that I can always approve upon my current abilities; however, I do personally hold my skills and knowledge to a much higher standard, due to the fact that I am very good at getting better in a short amount of time, as well as being able to pick up almost any game in a matter of a few days / weeks!

I would say that a few of my go-to, favorite Gods and / or Goddesses would be Ganesha, Syl, Mulan, Athena, and Geb!

(I just wanted to add that since I am able to adapt and / or pick up on things rather quickly, I can play any role in the game; Jungle still proves to be quite difficult for me, but I would be willing to learn more on it if need be!)


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