Titanfall 2


Daniel | 39 ans

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Become a progamer. Be part of a successful competitive team. Earn some cash and prizes for my family.

Experiences online

  • Online game player for many years.

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


On Xbox Live I go by the gamertag: GAMERxxDAD.
I am an older gamer and have been playing since the release of the original Nintendo. In Titanfall 2, I play with the core builds. My pilot uses the original assault rifle with holographic sight. The rifle has been leveled many times. I enjoy and like using the grappling hook. The hook allows me to move about the arena freely, and presents interesting ways to take down titans and pilots. I am very keen to what is occurring on the map. Example being the ability to anticipate player spawn locations, and spawn movement. As a titan I use the ion build. I have a nack for killed multiple titan will my nuclear explossion. Depending on the map determines my playstyle. Playstyle can range from aggressive to calculated. I have a positive K/D ratio, above 2.0. I am adaptable to really any situation. Any role you need filled, I will be a solid pick. I will highlight gameplay videos via twitch if you would like to see me play competitively.


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