

Brett | 22 ans

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My number one goal is to compete. I want to get as good as I can, and work efficiently and effectively with a team.

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I started playing Valorant starting December of 2020. I have played somewhat consistently since I started. I have 119 hours played in ranked gameplay.

I started my ranked career in Bronze, and quickly found my way to Silver. I was stuck in Silver for around a month. However, once I found my way out from Silver I climbed through Gold and quickly plotted myself at Plat 1. I have been stuck on Plat 1 for around 2 weeks now.

I generally main Sage as an agent. I have a fairly well-rounded knowledge on wall placements, and do have some lineups memorized.

I do play Omen when my team needs smokes, and I would say I generally have success on using his utility. I am familiar with common 2-way smokes.

Lastly, I do sometimes play Jett or Reyna if my team needs a duelist. My entry fragging honestly varies. Sometimes I can find myself popping heads and isolating fights, and other times I find myself getting 1 tapped once I even peak onto a site.

Overall, I say I am a fairly aggressive player. I do like to try to keep moving around constantly in order to keep the enemy on their toes. I personally would say my aim is decent. I do try to rely on game knowledge and crosshair placement in order to secure kills faster rather than relying on my speed or flick.
I do aim train on Aim Labs. I am a Emerald 2 on their ranked system. I have a minimum of 60 in all scored areas.

Now, a few personal things about me. I’m a fairly reserved and quite individual. As time goes on I do generally start to warm up and will open up more. I try to keep conversations fairly down to Earth and honest.


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