

Joe | 25 ans

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Player Player
Strat caller Strat caller
LAN Player LAN Player
Webdesigner Webdesigner
Coach Coach


Be the best
Reach high immortal ranks
Learn with a team together and rehearse strategy and team play
Be part of a good gaming community/organisation
Compete in high level games and tournaments with the chance to prove myself a long with a team.

Experiences online

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Experiences offline

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I am a Valorant player from the UK and have always had a passion for gaming. Whenever I play a game I strive for being the best and will push myself to reach it. I have competed in various eSports for about 5 years and attended a few Lan events during my time competing.
In Valorant my agent selection although depends on the team I am paired with, is usually sentinel agents although I have experience as raze and Jett at high level standards. My most comfortable agent would have to be sage as I've mained her since the beta but I have picked up a range of other agents since and am willing to learn any line ups and strats with a team I am paired with.
As for my rank I am currently at consistent diamond 3 although I do believe I can beat this when surrounded by consistent and intelligible teammates who are willing to learn together.
One major lesson over the years of competing in games that I've picked up is how to control my mentality and not get tilted throughout games. I have become fairly consistent with this mindset which I believe will help me be a consistent competitor in Valorant games and tournaments.
My availability is pretty good with having two evenings a week at work and about 10 hours of uni a week. If any events were to come up I am able to adjust my hours to fit the schedules provided as well.


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