
dai ch0#999

Sinan | 21 ans

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i would love to reach the higher ranks and i am willing to grind for that.

i think ranks like immortal 2 are actually obtainable with my current skill.

but i know for a fact that i really have to improve myself especially to reach higher ranks than ''just'' immo 2 and maybe someday even hit radiant.

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Hey there!

My name is Sinan, 18 yo and i am currently searching for a nice / non toxic team on this website.

I really want to find a team with which you can symphathize with and go really well alongside together.

I am currently playing valorant almost every day.

This game is fun to play, expecially with a nice and coordinated team (which is the reason why i am searching for one).

I am currently diamond 2 but i know for a fact i could reach higher ranks. i am currently grinding to atleast get immortal.

I havent played since a long time and that's the reason my last few acts were like only silver or something (played with irl mates)

But as i said. i now started to play with people i've met through discord and grinded myself with them to dia 2.

And soon hopefully dia 3 and then immortal.


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Ce joueur n'est plus disponible pour être recruté

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