
doo doo fart

bennett | 19 ans

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while ultimately I want to work in the field of astrophysics, right now I have a great interest in putting a step forward in the esports community again. I want people to learn from my mistakes and try to perfect their craft and continue to get better at whatever they want to get good at. I want to grow alongside others whether its online or in person, I want to be the best that there is.

Experiences online

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my ign is doodoofart I am 18 so I'm an adult and I'm looking for a team to join that is already playing at a high level but is still willing to learn and try to get better at the game. I am a content creator for the org ozn, even though I am looking for a team I made a commitment to them so I would like to still be able to create content for them.

I originally started playing rainbow six siege back in 2015-2016 and then played for a couple of teams, and then ultimately left because I wasn't enjoying the game any longer. My peak was diamond (r6s), and I played in fpl but ultimately that no longer matters as I am now looking for a team in valorant. I've been out of the competitive scene for a couple years now and I'm looking for a game that will bring me back into it.
My peak rank in valorant was immortal, as I just recently started taking the game seriously but along with that seriousness the sense of competitiveness has really come back. I am the kind of guy that whenever I commit to something I fully devote myself to getting the best that I can be at that thing. like I said before I've played competitively on other games, so along with that experience I also have the experience of working through mental blocks and keeping a good mentality, my mental is obviously not perfect but I've been through hours of discussion on how to keep a good mentality when my old team brought in a psychologist and analyst too help us improve. I don't blame others for my mistakes, although I will get upset with people if they don't hold accountability for their mistakes. As of right now I usually play a little bit of a more offensive support role, but am willing to learn other roles in order to compensate for unforeseen variables. I only played sage up to immortal but I can play viper, and I can also initiate fights whenever it's needed. I am not suited for the role of an IGL but I am the kind of player to ask the team as a whole what we're doing wrong and what do we need to fix during the game in order to let the others think and become a little bit more flexible so we can win.


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