

Lewis | 25 ans

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My ambition is to compete in tournaments, and to show the skill I have to offer. I also want to meet people that enjoy playing and want to progress with them.

I'm looking forward to hearing back from you.

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Hello I'm Lewis AKA EvvO.

I'm from the UK, and I am looking for a dedicated team to play and compete with. A bit about me I'm quite competitive and enjoy learning and improving. I'm hoping to go far with the team I find.

I've been playing Valorant since the first act and instantly fell in love with the game. I will admit at the beginning I wasn't any good and landing myself in Bronze. Yikes I know, but through my dedication and love of the game I've managed to rank up to plat through solo queuing (this is on the day I'm writing this I will be getting higher within the next couple of weeks.)

So I haven't put any champions or roles down is because I can be flexible and play what's needed but to be honest I enjoy being the initiator, at the moment I've been practising Kay/o and his line ups and have been really enjoying his gameplay. But I do play a variety of characters to fill what's needed. If there is something that you need or want I can and will practise that character and make sure I can play him/her to the best of my ability.

I also wanted to tell you what I feel is my strongest and weakest map. I personally think Split is my strongest map it is one that I know well, and my weakest would be Breeze and this is because its the one that I haven't played much.


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