
Fade, my Id is Fade#3268

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I have a lot to begin with, I’m always desired to succeed and get the job done no matter what. I’m a hard worker and a dedicated one.

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Hello! I go by Fade, Imma start off by saying I’m dedicated and I put full effort/hard work into improving and valorant itself. I’m serious about going big and making a career. I’m not the type to settle for “decent” or “good” I wanna be the best and will do anything I have to, to get to that goal. I don’t really struggle in-game unless I’m having an off game, My aim is pretty damn decent, I’m practicing each day to improve and be better, I use a software called Aimlab (A aim training software/game) My game sense is good, it’s improving even more. I know I might get over looked because of my rank (Bronze 3) I was Silver 3 but due to solo queuing and bad team mates I got demoted unfortunately. I believe I stand out because of the fact that I work harder then people and I don’t give up, I’m a good player in general and I’m improving more and more each day.


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