

Joey | 18 ans

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Player Player
Strat caller Strat caller
Squad Squad
LAN Player LAN Player
Webdesigner Webdesigner


i'm looking to go Pro!

Experiences online

  • almost placed in Fortnite tourney's I also one a scrim with some friends on valorant

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


Back in 2018 I got my pc after that I practiced games like CS-GO and Fortnite for hours at a time some days not even leaving the chair until i was thirsty I grind games like no buddy you've ever seen, I have also almost placed in Fortnite tournaments because I am good at Decision making, and aiming. On Offense I rush but am smart at rushing I Eliminate all the threats in the are and usually wait about 10 seconds till I rush out into an angle to get more kills i'm also great at calling out where opponents are and what to do I also have great hearing so people accused me of cheating because I could tell were they were. Defense I'm usually pretty good on defense taking it slow till at least 3 out 5 players are on another site so I know to rotate there or stay behind and let the other person on (A,B, or C) go to the other site so we can make sure it's secure.


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