

Ryan | 24 ans

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My ambitions are to compete as a professional player and become as good as I can possibly be. I would like to compete at the highest level and am looking to start my journey with people who have the same aspirations to reach the tier one teams like Liquid and Sentinals. I'll be looking forward to playing on a great team with great people and having fun along the way as we do this together!

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Hi my name is Ryan and I'm currently looking to join an org and start competing in Valorant.

Currently I'm ranked Immortal at 200RR and on my way to Radiant which I expect to reach this act (Episode 2 Act 3). This will be my first title competing at so I want to be honest with you that I may require some time to fully develop into a professional player, however I'm willing to do whatever it takes and receive all the criticism needed to get to that level.

As for the agents I play I can be very flexible for I can play Omen, Jett, Reyna and Pheonix very well. I can also play Sage and Cypher well however they're not my main agents. I can play all agents decently except for Raze and I don't have line ups for Sova, Brim, Viper and Killjoy although I could learn them. If you're willing to let me develop into those roles I will have no problem filling them.

If you would like to see any clips of me playing I have a few but they're just highlights of my aim as I stopped recording my gameplay recently to fully focus on grinding.

Thanks for reading, Ryan.


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