
Fluff #beans

Will | 22 ans

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Start playing online tournaments to make a name for myself and team to aspire to be pro.

Experiences online

  • Won small online cs tournaments. Play in a lot of uni teams for various different games.

Experiences offline

  • Won small cs LAN tournament.


Lvl 10 faceit.
Got to immortal 1 in beta but because I was busy with university work and didn't play as much as a would have liked.
I have just finished my university work work and have completely free schedule over summer.
Won some small cs tournaments and have many hours in ow, r6, cs and other shooter titles.
I mainly play Jett and Sage but I am willing to learn and play any character. I'm an aggressive player who likes to go for picks. Very proficient with op and have good clutch potential. I have loads of time and like to stream so I can vod review.
If something is not right in the team I will bring it up if it is neccessarry for the team to progress.
Not much of an igl but will suggest strats if I notice a weak point.
If it is a serious situation I will never tilt or flame a teammate in important matches


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