

Joseph | 22 ans

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I strive to grow and excel beyond what people think I am capable of. I know someday in the future I will go pro and win championships. I want to make a career out the the thing I do best and love, gaming.

Experiences online

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Hi, my name is Joe. I have always played extremely competitive in every game I have ever gotten my hands on. I have been playing FPS games ever since I was 6 years old, I am 18 years old now. I noticed I have always been a very quick learner and am able to adapt to in game situations extremely quickly being able to clutch up in nearly impossible scenarios. My aim has always been my strongest suit, I rarely miss my head shots. In Valorant I averaged about 30 kills a game and made it to Gold 2. I know that does not sound all that impressive but most of the time I was playing with my friends who were bronze or lower that didn't fully understand the game mechanics. I would like to surround myself with a team that play on my level and that will take it seriously because I know I am severely under ranked. I played Call of Duty Modern Warfare for a while on PC and I became ranked in the top 1000 in the world on the leader boards. I recently began to stream and post some highlights on my YouTube channel attempting to be seen and make an image of myself. I want to prove to people I am not the average player.


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