
I have a lot of accounts in radiant

Zach | 17 ans

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I plan on taking up Esports as a career and its important to me that I find a good team to grow with and bond with

Experiences online

  • a lot of smaller torments

Experiences offline

  • a few local lan tournaments


so im 15 this summer and don't worry about my age I can keep up with people older than me I can leave school if necessary and I can play vct currently im peak 1 and peak ending is 37 I have hit radiant countless times and I have T3/T2 experience im normally playing ranked but I always q with pros if im not solo q'ing I am a awp'er/riffler I have dyslexia but I find it gives me a competitive advantage rather than a handicap I don't have a big ego and im very go with the flow right now I have developed carpal tunnel but im planning on getting surgery to fix this but in the meantime im still playing at peak performance I don't have a resume because I recently decided to take gaming seriously I have a twitch with 11.2k followers im taking a break from streaming but if you would like I could always go back thanks for taking interest in me and I hope to hear from you


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