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Going Pro.

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Hello- My name is Jesse (J0MS), i’m 18 years old, and I live in California. I’m a passionate gamer who’s had a long term dream of going pro originally in CS:GO, but now that Valorant is out i’m making my transition to a new scene because I feel I have much more potential with Valorant. I have over 6,000 hours in CS:GO on 2 accounts, my highest MM rank was GE, I used to play ESEA scrims with my old team, Nitro (we we’re in Open League), and CarbonX Discord League. I estimate I have around 1,500 hours in valorant by now. I practice everyday for hours and don’t worry about my MM rank at the moment. I am currently a hardstuck D1 (I match MVP almost every game) so I decided to focus on training instead. I am currently looking for a team to compete in tournaments with so I can get some extra $ and experience on the side. I am a phenomenal team player with tons of game knowledge and sense- my main position in Valorant is entry frag, likewise in CS:GO. I have snappy aim and great mechanical skill. I struggle to complete mentally because I tilt myself and feel discouraged when i’m not the best in the lobby, but it helps me play better because I push myself 10x harder than anyone else.


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