

James | 22 ans

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I want to become a better player, learn from others. I want to belong to a team who respects the game, has fun, but also takes practices, scrimmages and improvement very seriously.

For now, I want to make my way from Gold to Diamond. I want to participate in tournaments and have consistent teammates to grow and improve with.

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I've been playing FPS games like CSGO on PC since 2014. I used to take the game very seriously and in around 2,000 hours of playtime, I reached the rank Distinguished Master Guardian. That was around 2017, and between that time and 2019 I had taken an extensive break from Gaming due to personal reasons.

At the start of COVID-2020, I had nothing to do but get back into gaming. I had to retrain myself in every aspect of game sense, muscle memory, crosshair placement, movement control and maintaining a stable mindset. I am still learning and have shifted over to Valorant recently.

I placed Bronze 2 and made my way up and down and back again, over and over until I finally reached Gold 1. I play "for fun" with some Bronze and Silver friends but I really enjoy the competitive aspect and spend a lot of time training my aim, playing with my settings to fix mistakes in the way I play and doing whatever I can to make myself a better player.

I'm currently looking for a Gold team to join for practices, scrimmages and eventually tournaments to make myself better than I was yesterday and better than I am today. I typically call the strategies and do whatever I must to never give up, especially when I'm losing by a landslide as there is always room for learning from mistakes.

Are there any teams interested in joining me on the journey to Platinum? How about Diamond? Or even Immortal? I won't stop until I'm Radiant.


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