

Kevin | 22 ans

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To be at the best top tier level
Play for a big team
Get recognition into the esport team

Experiences online

  • Counter Strike Global Offensive
  • Valorant
  • R6
  • PUBG

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


Since I was a kid, the game I played on PC for the first time was COUNTER STRIKE 1.6. This type of game was boring and didn’t appeal to me at first so I went back to my PS2. When I reached highschool, this was when I started to get into CSGO. I had played on a inexpensive laptop and made it to GOLD NOVA 3. Instead I practiced my aim everyday for 1 hour per day until I could beat my Master Guardian Friends which made me happy knowing I beat high level players. I couldn’t play any better because some CSGO MAPS couldn’t run that well. When I bought my PC IN 2020 a new game then came out which was called VALORANT. Once this game came out I knew I had to be pro straight away. I have spent so many hours into this game and I love it. None of my friends want to be at the TOP PRO ESPORT TEAM LEVEL because they just aren’t interested like I am. Whenever someone calls me bad I take that as an advice. So I go straight into KOVAAK AIM TRAINING and get started to work onto my aim. I hopefully dream that one day I will walk into that Tournament stage with my team and play at a top tier level. Even if we win or lose it is an experience I will forever enjoy knowing that I made it this far with my ESPORT dream job career.


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