
LFT Shnoodle #8201

Noah | 17 ans

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I would love to be able to play on a competitive team that I can help contribute and support to as well as hopefully strive in.

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Hi, Shnoodle here. I’ve been playing for Valorant since the Beta and currently, my rank is Diamond 1, although I am grinding for Ascendant as of now. I would love a team to play competitively in and reach the higher pro playing ranks to be able to develop my skills more and to hopefully become a helpful essential asset on a team. I usually play Chamber as I find his utilities incredibly matched to my play style and I have found it makes it easier for me to support the team on eco rounds sufficiently and easily anchor sites. Although I would say Chamber is my most strong agent, I play a pretty good Reyna with a KD of 1.31, just 0.9 off my Chamber KD of 1.40, which is in the top 8% according to Valorant tracker. I believe I have decent statistics, with an average KD of 1.4 being the top 2.4% and a head shot rate of 31.7% being in the top 4.9% and finally a win rate of 59.1% being in the top 1% according to Valorant tracker once again. I hope you take my application into consideration, Thank-you. :)


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