

Dillan | 23 ans

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To become a good player and to make playing Valorant a full time job.
Also improve my understanding of the eSport scene and how most of the industry works.

Experiences online

  • Understanding of games and how they work.

Experiences offline

  • Qualifications on understanding of eSports.


Hello my name is Dillan, I am a 19 Year Old from the UK with a passion for games and the eSport scene. I am a really well rounded person who is always willing to learn and develop my skills.. I take constructive feedback well and will always try to improve on it. I have been playing for as long as I can remember starting off with the original Xbox and Halo. Through the years I branched out into different games and into different places including PC which I instantly fell in love with. I have been playing PC for around 6-7 years and most of that was Counter Strike, Starting with Counter-Strike Source and slowly merging into Counter-Strike Global Offensive. With the release of Valorant I have instantly fell in love, I have played since day 1 in the beta and would absolutely love the opportunity to play in a higher standard. In the Beta I finished Diamond 2, currently I am Diamond 1 which fluctuates between D1-3.


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