

Nate Miles | 22 ans

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I want to do good. I am a very competitive person, I did debate in highschool for 3 years and for the first 2 years I didn't do that well. I wanted to change that so this year I wanted to work super hard and do the best in the state. I grinded for hundreds of hours because I was passionate and in the first 3 tournaments of the year I got First, first and second. I was on track to win state debate until the coronavirus happened then it was cancelled. The point is I've been playing video games all my life I'm willing to do quadruple the work I did for debate to be the best I can.

Thanks for your consideration, Nate.

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I am Nate, I have played 6,000 hours of CS:GO. I am currently Radiant solo qued to that rank. I play about 2 hours of aim lab a day and play at least 5 comp matches. I would say that I have potential to be very good at the game. When playing I can play Omen, Phoenix, Reyna, and Cypher. I could probably adapt to any other character those are just the ones that I like to play normally. I am able to do any requirement for the hours necessary when it comes to practice and I'd hold a high standard for my team as well. I love criticism, when people suggest things to you its almost always helpful whether it gets the mind jogging or whatever.


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